Tuesday, August 08, 2006

EPiCode - Check it out now

One of the things I am looking to do with this blog is to put a few handy tips, tricks and code samples from my day to day experiences with EPiServer.

A great place to start if you are interested in EPiServer would of course be the EPiServer site itself and developer forums. I have found the site and forums very useful over the past year. However another great resource that I recently came across is an open-source project called EPiCode setup by a guy called Steve Celius.

The EPiCode project requires you to apply for membership but once you are a member there are some really great tools and things under development already. For example there is a base library with a few custom properties and utilties, a page type utility for advanced management of page types and properties (which is really useful), and a newletter module for sending out html/text newsletters with subscription management. This is just a sample but if you are interested in EPiServer development and want to make life easier for yourself then I highly recommend signing up and taking a look. Who knows, you may even have something great you can share with the project to :)

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